The Doppelgänger- Chapter 3
They were having an argument the moment I stepped up to the door. For a moment I hesitated to knock on the door and listened to what they were saying. Many times they seemed to be looking out the window, probably looking for the moment I walk up the path. Jack, the man who hired me, seemed very worried about something and Hannah, his wife, was frustrated.
“The tariffs are killing us. Even with Mara’s help, we are barely able to keep the roof over our heads. Hannah, we need to start thinking long term. What should we do? If we keep on like this it won’t be long until we’re out on the streets as well. I saw Maria, reaching out for change on the streets the other day. Our neighbor for 5 years. We can’t stay here much longer. We need to take what we can and find our way in a different town. I’ve heard great things about the Pariah. Many people are moving there. We can make it, and with what savings we have it might be a struggle but it will be fine.” Jack said without taking his eyes away from his wife.
Sales had been good, but that doesn’t mean great. He was truly worried about what they were looking at financially.
“We can’t just leave her out in the lurch. She’s been good to us and it’s allowed us to grow the business. We’ve been able to find more supplies and sell more. We can’t just leave her.” Hannah said.
I could hear the sadness in her voice and I very much understood the meaning behind her words. They were going to be leaving the city and soon but her mind and heart were focused on my well being. I’m thankful that they came into my life and found me that day.
I lifted my hand to knock on the door. With a deep breath, I pressed my hand to my chest and took a final step forward. My mind was racing. The images of my room, my salvation, passed through my head. It would be fine. Maybe it was my time. I was lucky for quite some time.
“What if we offer that she comes with us?” He said with some hesitation. “It wouldn’t leave her in a desperate position and she would be able to survive just like us. It would be for the best.”
Hannah stayed paused for quite some time. Then the tone in her voice changed. She seemed happier with this decision.
“Yes! We could bring her with us. There wouldn’t be any other jobs for her here. We would want to make things easier for her.”
Then there was another silence.
“Wait! You’re not getting any ideas right!? First having your wife and now a side mistress to bring with you on your travels! I see what’s on your mind.” She said accusingly.
Her finger was pointing against his chest as he stood aghast at the sudden statement. She held her other hand up to her face and began laughing. A tear ran down her cheek.
“This could work.” She finally said. “How would we bring up that we’re moving and give her the option to come with us?”
Jack’s face was red, completely caught off guard by the sudden change in demeanor. Then a smile came across his face. His worries melted away. He was really worried about the state of the business and their future.
I stood still for a moment. Would I say yes if they asked me to come along? This might be a chance for me to find the life of safety my father had always wanted for me. The final image of the terrified look upon his face as he was captured appeared in my mind again. This was my chance for a new beginning. It would be a great. I heard them starting to move inside the house and I suddenly became flustered trying to figure out what to do next. My arm jerked and I knocked on the door.
Hannah opened it quickly and she had a smile on her face. Jack was in the back of the room by the kitchen counter pouring water into a cup. He looked out the kitchen window with a hopeful gleam in his eye.
I glanced around the home and I realized what he was so worried to protect. The herbs that were hanging and drying along the wall always created a sweet and relaxing scent that calmed you as you sat in the room. It was a comfortable place. The wooden floors were clean and polished. The walls were covered with a fresh coat of white wash. They loved their home. It showed.
He had was put into the position of trying to convince his wife to let go of the home that they had built together or see the future that they might be put on the streets. He was taking a leap with that decision and it bolstered my confidence to take a leap to trust them. Hannah looked back at her husband as I walked through the door and he looked back at her with a smile. The aged lines of a long worry showing on his face. I don’t think I had noticed them until now.
“Good morning, Mara!” She said
“Good morning!”
As I walked in, she closed the door behind me and led me to the table. I pulled out the chair in front of me and sat down as per our routine getting to understand my duties for the day.
“Mara. There’s something we would like to talk to you about.” Jack said still standing in the corner. He nodded to his wife to give her the go ahead.
Her eyes brightened as she turned back at me.
“Yes. You’ve been working for us the last three years and we’re very happy with the support you’ve given us during that time.” Hannah reached out and grabbed my hand before continuing. “Recent, changes have made it almost impossible for us to keep up the stand…”
She stopped and looked back at Jack. He stepped forward and took over.
“Yes, the queen has put in place taxes that are making it harder for us to make any profits on our sales this last year. We know that it’ll only be a matter of time before we won’t be able to afford to eat and live anymore. We’ll lose everything. So with that we’ve made the decision that we will need to leave. There’s a town on the outskirts of the country that a lot of people are starting to move to. It’s close to the country border and will allow us to no longer have the worry of losing our home and ending up on the streets.” He added
Hannah looked back at me. Her eyes happy.
“We would like you to come with us, hunny. We don’t want to leave you without options. We would love you to come with us.”
She grabbed my hand with her other hand. She grabbed it tighter. Then quickly let go, as she became a little flustered.
“We know this is kind of a lot to throw on you all at once but please take the day to think about it.” She said after a little silence.
The thoughts in my mind were swirling. My room, the view of the city, my father, and then it was all replaced by the two people in front of me asking for me to come along. I grabbed her hand again and squeezed.
“I understand. I pass so many people on my way here. I understand why you need to take this step and I have to admit it is a lot to agree to so suddenly, but I think that I would love to come along. I’m thankful that you would extend this offer to me and that if I hadn’t been so lucky for you to stumble upon me in the forest, my life would be completely different.”
Hannah had a smile on her face.
“Now there’s a lot to talk about and plans to be made. We should talk about that later tonight after your day in the market.”