Not Another Isekai Story- Chapter 4
I sat at my seat crumpling the paper in my hand and opening it up again. “Cleric”, it read, in a unique and flowing script. The ink on the paper was shifting with the angle of the light. It’s letters displaying different colors as I shifted it back and forth in the glow.
Many of the other’s names were called up in the timeframe that I was distracted. Looking down at the paper a thousand thoughts started to run through my mind. Just because I was decided to be a cleric doesn’t necessarily mean that’s what I have to follow in life. I can still live an easy life without following that path. I could just stay in this town and help our neighbors.
Almost on queue the a flash of bright light came across the room. Another larger paper floated from the orb into my hands. The enjoyment of the room around me silenced as I looked down at the paper. In much larger words on the paper, four words were written.
“It is your destiny!” They blazed loud and clear for all to see.
“I hate him!” I screamed aloud into the quiet space.
The room of people around me continued to stare at me in disbelief. My mother and father in the corner looked at me with a face more in shock than anything else. They looked at each other and back at me. I held up the paper to show them the words printed on it.
My father at first didn’t understand the meaning of the paper. My mother on the other hand who had dealt with my trying to escape certain things, burst out laughing. Even the gods won’t let me get away from pursuing the path they had set out for me.
“What? It’s not fair!” I screamed at my mother in disbelief belief.
Another giant flash came from the orb.
“It’s fair.” Was bright and large on the paper.
I showed this one to them too and now they were both laughing. The proctor stood up at the podium in disbelief as these events transpired. He looked at the orb and back at me.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for the interruption but this has never happened before. Generally it takes years of training for a newly appointed cleric to be claimed by their governing deity.”
Another bright flash appeared and a final paper floated into my hands.
“I expect you to be in training.” Was in bright red letters.
I showed this final one to my parents and my mother fell to the ground howling in laughter. She clasped her hands together and mouthed the words “thank you” to the air. My father was a little nervous when she fell and was now aware of the scene we were causing. The proctor was still in disbelief.
“Am I allowed to continue the ceremony?” He asked quizzically.
A paper appeared in his hand with a single word.
The rest of the ceremony went smoothly without any trouble. The pile of paper in my hand staring up at me. All I felt at that moment was wet and miserable. My plans of an easier life, dashed away by this meddling god. I began to feel cold. In a moment I summoned gust of wind and mixed it with some fire magic to create warm updraft to dry my clothes and warm myself up.
The sudden change in the wind caused others to fall out of their seats and papers to fly everywhere. I got up once I was dry and walked over to my parents. My mother still on her side laughing. I thrust the papers towards them so they can hold it for themselves.
“Ladies, the ceremony still isn’t over.” My father tried reasoning with the both of us.
His eyes kept dashing to those around us apologetically. My mother finally started to wipe away her tears from her eyes and pulling herself up. I crossed my arms and stuck out my tongue at her insolently.
The proctor was absolutely flummoxed by the entire events and moved to put the orb back into its bag. In my rush to dry myself, the hair on the top of his head shifted and caused the bald spot to appear. He was quickly wiping the hair on the top of his head to cover it up again.
“Normally I try to end these ceremonies with a little bit more of a celebration and pomp but it seems some are ready to leave already. So I will say this. I’m proud to be the one to present you with your future path in life. What you make of it is yours and for some of you that may be a tough battle. Stand strong and always put your best foot forward. This is the first step onto something amazing and with that we end this year’s class ceremony, thank you.”
I stood there looking at the door. I wanted to go home. The entire walk home was spent with my mother giggling and smiling at me.
“Emily, you do know that this means you’re special.” My father said.
“I don’t want to be special. I want to just stay here and live peacefully.” I responded
After some time he responded.
“This was something that my father told me when I was younger and I was chosen as a ranger. What you see around you, this peace and freedom you enjoy, is built on the blood, sweat and tears of those who build it. We live in an age where it takes the strong willed to give us the freedom we enjoy. You have been chosen to a higher destiny and while, like the proctor said, the road might be tough at times; your efforts will bring something like this.”
He got closer to me and pointed around at the town we live in. The sound of the crickets filled my ears. The night sky filled with stars shown overhead. The smell of the grass and trees all around us. I understood what he was saying. I can bring about the peace I seek.
“This is your journey now, Emily. Make it a good one.” He said with a smile.
We listened to the sound of the world around us and my mother snickering beside him all the way home.