Isekai Survival Guide- The Breakdown
So you’re in another world. Step one, you’ve noticed the use magic instead of most technology you’re used to. Step two, you’ve noticed that more the most part many modern health standards might be a little lax. Step three, you’ve noticed a lot of feudal society or focus on “The King” or “The Queen” rather than anything else. Guess what? You’re in a fantasy world!
Diagnostic complete, do you see strange creatures? Congratulations, your Dungeons and Dragons knowledge may come in handy. With the knowledge in this book you will be able to bring enlightenment to these heathens and rule them with an iron fist.
The standard feeling is that scientific advances really started around the Renaissance period in your regular earth history. We’re going to label this as Earth One for now. So at this point, from the Renaissance period forward, technological progress more than likely diverged and while certain areas may have changed a little bit and become fantastical, the overall trend is that it would have stopped because of the use of magic. This is where the universal society of inter dimensional publishers comes in.
Without completely making fun of the American education system, we’re here to fill in the gaps of knowledge that you might not have, not learned or forgotten. This will cover modern standards we take for granted. Have the flu? Get the flu shot every year? They more than likely don’t have vaccines.
Traveling from A to B is more than likely done with horse drawn carriage or cart as steam engines weren’t necessary or built for long distance travel. Flight might be done by tamed animals but planes, blimps or any aircraft of any kind were not necessary so this not invented. Phones or cameras that take pictures, not necessary.
Heating standards, modern food storage, building standards and having things not burst into flames because they weren’t designed correctly, not taken into account. More than likely germs don’t exist to the people here and you’re in a world without purell.
This is where we fill in the gaps on technology or advancements that you might have a slight inkling about and know what it looks like but when you put it in writing have zero idea how to get there. Will we be able to get you to smartphone level of advancement? No. But can we get you a flushing toilet and indoor plumbing? Absolutely.
We’re here to cover it all. We’re here to make sure you don’t die from the common cold because your local doctor thinks it’s the devil taken hold or trying to use leaches to fix you. Yes. We’re here to make sure your Isekai adventure is a safe, relatively less traumatic experience with some modern conveniences.
This guide will have the standard basics from medical theory, providing you at least the basic recipe for antibiotics, going to steam power, modern plumbing, electricity basics, to things like soap. The food chapter is going to be fun as we discuss all food borne illnesses and the proper way to process certain foods. The basic medicine chapter is going to be even more fun as we discuss the standard diseases you can get without the proper hygiene standards we see today.
We will discuss the proper way to design a bathroom with indoor plumbing to the different types of baths, if you want to design your own bath house concept. We will also discuss things like modern hunting techniques, including but not limited to food preservation and different cooking methods as well as a list of spices and food recipes. We know that there may be some amazing cooks in this fantasy world but just like standards of flying from a first world country to a third world country, we want to make sure you can eat during your stay.
Most importantly we’re going to discuss water purification methods and techniques available to you because we’ve all at some point have played the game “Oregon Trail” and we know dysentery is a rather well known disease at this point.
With this knowledge you will be able to increase the average life expectancy of most humans from 40 years to at least 55. (Disclaimer, Elves and Dwarves not included. Their long lives baffle us and we don’t understand how they’re living so much longer if they’re eating relatively the same diet and having the same health standards. It’s not natural we tell you! Even as a race of beings whose natural life expectancy might be unlimited, the plague is still the plague. And apparently they’re immune to the common cold? How!?)
With the ability that your transition god has bestowed upon you for strength and our knowledge on how to make cultural changes to help everyone, your value in their society will be absolute! (Disclaimer, number two, please check societal standards. If there is a patriarchal system with a heavy religious element. Though there are actual “witches” with magic in their society. We have seen Earth one style witch hunts.)
Enjoy your stay!